Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Merry

Hope that everyone is having/had a wonderful holiday! Mine has been swell so far. Right after work on Wednesday, I rushed home shoved laundry, random clothes, and the cat in the Volvo and hit the road. That night the family and I had chinese food, opened gifts, and laughed a lot. Good times. The next morning we woke up and had breakfast, said goodbye to my Dad (a little peeved that he didn't actually stay to see me for more than a night), and then my Aunt and I started baking!

Jerrie and I made kiss cookies and Amish-style sugar cookies. The latter was the most tedious cookies we've made yet. Last year, we made lemon cookies dipped in dark chocolate, these required fridge time, double-boiler, and fishing line. This year, the sugar cookies required me to sculpt them on the cookie sheet since the dough was more of a biscuit consistency. We followed the directions and 20 minutes later we had the largest cookies you've ever seen. Seriously, the size of my face. Needless to say, it took three people to 'test' just one of the cookies, so the recipe was cut in half.

I love family, even if i'm the butt of their jokes. The feeling of home is what is really making me consider moving back.

Cookie disasters, routines, and predictability.